วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Questing Vs Grinding in World of Warcraft

This is an article about WOW Leveling!

In world of warcraft there are mainly two ways to level up your character
- Doing Quests or Grinding

If you mainly doing quests, you'll find the game more enjoyable and you'll
get to explore more areas and zones You could also choose to focus on
grinding, even though you might gain more XP this way, you'll probably get
bored quite soon.

Let's take closer look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of
grinding vs questing

Grinding Pros

In World of Warcraft, grinding simply means to kill monsters and enemies
over and over By grinding you'll gain experience and recieve gold and
loot. If you character has a profession like skinning or enchanting, you
can use the loot to level up your trade skills.

If you choose your locations well, you can often pick up plenty of gold
and silver, as well as plenty of vendor trash that adds up to a healthy
amount of gold at the same time as earning plenty of XP fairly quickly.

Grinding Cons

Spending a lot of time killing the same monsters over and over quickly
becomes boring. Please remember, it's not characters who are good at
grinding, some classes simply get killed to easily, so if you're planning
on spendning a lot of time grinding for XP, then you should at least make
sure to choose the right character class from the beginning.

Questing Pros

Questing in World of Warcraft gives you plenty of things to do that help
to keep the game interesting. You get to explore new areas and zones and
search for various quest items or monsters to kill. On top of this, you're
often rewarded well with plenty of XP for completing quests, along with
various reward items that can sometimes be worth the effort.

Questing Cons

Far too many players waste huge amounts of time running from one end of a
zone to the other searching for quest items. Very often, players do one
quest at the time, and don't begin on the next one before they've handed
the first one in, thereby they waste even more time. If you do intend to
use questing as your levelling tactic, then try to find a way to organize
your journey so you won't be wasting levelling time, just as you would in
real life.

No matter whether you choose grinding or questing as your main levelling
tactic, there are plenty of reasons and occasions when using both can help
you reach level 80.

